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Retrieve License Data


This site is dedicated to help you to retreive your original license data in case you should have lost it. First on, before you send a request, please search your own records for it. Email, printed out paper, CD rom. We were explixcitly ASKING to make a backup of your license data in the original license mail.

If you ordered through MyCommerce/Shareit with automated immediate delivery you originally received an attached file called "key.htm" which you had to download and so still should reside somewhere on your hd. Search for it. If you still have the original purchase email you simply can re-download the "key.htm" attachement from your email, even when the alternative temporary download link expired. If you found the "key.htm" file double-click it and it will open as local offline website in your web-browser showing your license data and instructions where to download the full version.

If you can't find anything but have the plugin installed and licensed (OP-X PRO-II and Stringer 2.0 only), then you can find your license data in a file called "license.txt" which was generated upon licensing the plugin. Search your hd for it using file search. When the system found it open the file. The expression in front of the comma is your user id (the entire expression), and after the comma is your key. Copy it out and you have your license data restored. And NOW MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF IT - CD, DVD, USB Stick, PRINT OUT, WRITE ON PAPER, whatever. As you do with your bank account data.

If this all was not successful then you can send us a request to search and re-send your license data. Note that this might take several days to complete. Be sure to give us the correct data. Otherwise we won't be able to treat it:

*Which product, upgraded or not, about date of purchase