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OP-X PRO-3 / OP-MTX - frequently asked questions / FAQs / Help

This listing may help you to get questions answered and solve issues
related to OP-X PRO-3 and OP-MTX

Learn more about the synth on the product site

Frequently asked questions:

1. Some controls don't react after closing and re-opening the interrface / GUI. Any help?

2. How can I change the interface / GUI size?

3. What does the greyed out icon on the right of the white GUI-switcher rectangle icon?

4. The trimpots in the "Boards" view have no effect at all upon changing. Is this a bug?

5. The upper and lower trimpots in the "Boards" view always change in common. Is this a bug?

6. The windows installer says the software may not have installed correctly. What to do?

7. Am I allowed to use the synth on more than one computer? Is there a limitation of activations?

8. Can I load an OP-X PRO-3 preset with OP-X PRO-II?

9. What does the RFR button in the synth's top-bar? It seems to do nothing at all?

10. Why is macOS 10.15 the minimum supported system in Mac? Can't you compile it for lower systems?

11. The plugin fails to scan in Reaper. Any help?

12. Why do the same patch names occur several times in SEARCH?

13. Search and listing favourites initially is slow. Can this be fastened up?

14. After choosing a preset in the search results I can't enter a search term again. Any help?

15. I want to migrate to a new computer and keep all my patches and favourites. How to do this?

16. Missing favourites and empty sections in the search results. Any help?

17. After fast scrolling in SEARCH the plugin window freezes and I can't even close it anymore. Any help?

18. A factory preset has a wrong category pre-tagged. How can I change its category?

19. Windows 11: Windows Defender blocks the installer as potential malware. Any help?

20. Windows Installer: The 2015-2022 Redistributable Installer shows "Setup Issue". Any help?

21. Reaper: Can't confirm a search term or preset name entry by hitting enter. Any help?

22. OP-X PRO-3 suddenly crashes while playing or tweaking knobs. Any help?

23. Does OP-X PRO-3 work in macOS Sonoma 14.1? Has it been tested?

24. Flickering darking down GUI upon playing notes. Any help?

25. Cakewalk by BandLab: Presets missing and no reaction. Any help?

26. Studio One: Not working properly, audio cuts off after preset change. Any help?

27. MacOS Sonoma: Question marks instead of text. Any help?

28. Propellerhead Reason: Hanging notes, notes not releasing. Any help?

29. Blue Cat Patchwork: issues within Protools in Windows. Any help?

30. Mac: VST3 plugin showing GUI error or crashing after installation of new skin. Any help?

31. Windows: After installation it says: "This program might not have installed correctly". Any help?

32. The 24dB button doesn't recall its state correctly upon patch change. Any help?

33. The synth shows no presets and doesn't work. Any help?

34. Does SonicProjects offer EDU (educational) pricing?

35. Does OP-X PRO-3 offer a stand-alone version or does it need a host to run?

36. Does OP-X PRO-3 run in Avid Protools?

37. Does OP-X PRO-3 replace OP-X PRO-II when I install it?

38. How close can OP-X PRO-3 come to an Oberheim OB-X? Are there any comparisons?

39. The effects setting go lost when saving a preset within 2_SAVED. Any help?

40. When I click the FAV button the plugin crashes. Any help?

41. Are there any tutorials available for OP-X PRO-3?

42. How can I change the skin color of OP-X PRO-3 to blue or dark?

43. After installation I can't find an app anywhere. Any help?

44. How can I do a split or layer setup using two different sounds?

45. Do you plan to provide an iPad version?

46. The audio cuts off every 25 seconds. Is this a bug?

47. Does OP-X PRO-3 work in macOS Sonoma 14.4 with M2 silicon CPU?

48. GigPerformer: Exchanged patches when predictive loading is activated. Any help?

49. Does OP-X PRO-3 work in macOS Sequoia 15.0? Has it been tested?


1. Some controls don't react after closing and re-opening the interface / GUI. Any help??

This can be caused by the trickery we used to unmap amd mirroring formerly mapped parameters into separated sections and showing/hiding the sections dependent on the situation which sometimes isn't re-initialized correctly upon closing and re-opening the interface.

FIX: Simply switch one preset further and then back again which should re-initialize the gropus.


2. How can I change the interface / GUI size?

Simply click the windows / double-rectangle icon on the top left, click on the image of the preferred size, and then close and re-open the interface / GUI


3. What does the greyed out icon on the right of the white GUI-switcher rectangle icon?

Clicking there let's you import an own (or 3rd-party) custom OP-X PRO-II bank (format .opxbank) if you should have any. This will create a new folder with the bank's name and extract all presets of the imported bank as single presets (.opxpreset) into this folder, ordered in the same order as they were in the bank using a #001 #002 #003 prefix, which later on will be hidden in the browser view.

Note that you don't need to import any OP-X PRO-II factory banks and even none of the reload banks we offered for free download since ALL of these already are included in the library upon installation!


4. The trimpots in the "Boards" view have no effect at all upon changing. Is this a bug?

No, this isn't a bug! The trimpots only will have an effect if the autotune is fully or partly (seamless blending using the trimpots) deactivated. If autotune is fully applied this automatically will wipe-out any differences no matter what settings the trimpots have - exactly the same as in real analog devices having an autotune function.

Furthermore note that the 12 o'c lock setting of the trimpots doesn't mean tuned! The same as in real analog synths this is the board's factory state after soldering all the devices (including the trimpots) BEFORE tuning the boards! Trimpots coming from the factory all are in the same setting intitially, and the trimpots were needed to tune the boards since devices have tolerances and so no voice board sounded exactly the same even using the same devices. So when the boards finally were tuned by a terchnician the trimpots then afterwards were in various setting. Th trimpots weren't there to DETUNE the board but to TUNE them! Since OP-X PRO-3 EXACTLY clones the inner workings of real analog polyphonic voltage controlled synths this is exactly the same here. So the 12'osclock setting of the trimpots on the boards means all the boards (still) sound a little differet each which we call the factory detuning.

Normally you in fact never really need to nchange the trimpots since you can switch (or semlessly blend) between the tuned and detuned state using the auto-tune buttons and trimpots. The factory detuning is wisely chosen (in fact cloned from a real existing device) and so perfectly usable. You only need to change the trimpots if you don't like the factory default detuning (which always results in a distinct character in detuned state) and want to edit/customize it, to clone the settings of an existing synth, or e.g. to create a special dedicated "melody" with the filter.

In fact, all of the controls shown in the boards view except for the filter envelope trimpots (which you normally NEVER actually need to change, unlike you're a complete freak) and the voice retet controls are mirrored on the main interface view in the voice management section at the bottom right. In most cases the boards view simply serves to understand how the voice engine actually works under the hood.


5. The upper and lower trimpots in the "Boards" view always change in common. Is this a bug?

No, this isn't a bug - this is conceived to work like this. The tuning/detuning and also pan controls and boards activating/deactivating works on a 6-voice-base and is cloned then to the lower voice bank. This makes operation MUCH easier with better overview without any loss of variability since it's all cleverly managed to avoid repetition. In 8-voice master polyphony setting we e.g. involve voices 9 and 10 instead of 7 and 8 to avoid this. Etc. So you'll never actually notice in the resulting SOUND that you operate the voice management on a 6-voice-base, using two voice-banks (and upper voice bank and a lower voice bank). It's all very cleverly conceived and real-world tested.


6. The windows installer says the software may not have installed correctly. What to do?

Simply ignore this. It means nothing at all. The software always installs correctly.


7. Am I allowed to use the synth on more than one computer? Is there a limitation of activations?

You're allowed to use the synth on more than one computer as long as it's only you using. There's no limitation of activations. The license is stamped personally to you as licensee.


8. Can I load an OP-X PRO-3 preset with OP-X PRO-II?

Yes, you can load an OP-X PRO-3 preset with OP-X PRO-Ii since it's the exact same format. OP-X PRO-II simply won't be able to re-create the stuff done with the new features. For extended parameters like DAMP and 24db it simply will cut-off at the max etc. So you even could use OP-X PRO-3 (also ECO, LC and MTX) as programmer for OP-X PRO-II.

We originally designed the OP-X PRO-II preset format to be able to hold up to 256 parameters with future extensions in mind. OP-X PRO-II "only" used 142 of these, and OP-X PRO-3 and OP-MTX now use 199 of these available parameters. So all, OP-X PRO-3, OP-X PRO 3 ECO, OP-X PEO-3 LC and OP-X PRO-II use the exact same preset format. Each simply only can recreate the parameter is also offers. OP-X PRO-3 / MTX simply don't use the former banks anymore (.opxbank), only single presets (.opxpreset). That's why we spent OP-X PRO-3 a bank import function (greyed-out icon top left) which extracts the presets of an .opxbank bank as single .opxpreset presets into a folder.


9. What does the RFR button in the synth's top-bar? It seems to do nothing at all?

Clicking the RFR button does 2 things at the same time: On one hand it refreshes ther categories/folders list at the left of the presets browser and will list new folders if you manually should have created a one (or also un-list a deleted one).

Secondly, when the button is activated (so blue state) the saved presets in _SAVED and _FAVOURITES will be sorted by save date (standard is alphabetic) which can be useful if you forgot which preset you saved as the last. So you easily can switch back and forth between alphabetically sorted and sorted by save time dependent on what you need/prefer.

The button does nothing in all the factory banks since these are sorted by an ordering prefix #001 #002 #003 etc. to maintain the original order of the dedicated OP-X PRO-II bank. If the preset browser detects the first preset having such a prefic (#001 etc. followed by a space) it will supress ordering by time. The same for imported banks which ore sorted in the same way. The time ordering would't work in these anyway since upon importing a bank (which also was done by us with all OP-X PRO-II banks) saves the presets all immedsiatly at the (almost) same time - too less time difference to be detected by the system as different time - which would lead to disappearing presets.


10. Why is macOS 10.15 the minimum supported system in Mac? Can't you compile it for lower systems?

To imnplement all the file sorting (alphabetical, save-time) and file-picking (grabbing from folders) stuff we did use the fs::filesystem and "set" libraries, which unfortunately can't be compiled with a deployment target lower than macOS 10.15. That's why the lowest supported system is macOS 10.15. But even most older Macs support systems up to macOS 10.15 and so you also should be able to use the plugin in older (updated) Macs.

The good thing is that the Mac plugin is native M1 silicon / Intel universal, so it's natively compatible to both Intel and M1/M2 silicon CPUs and covers all system starting at 10.15 up to the very newest (Ventura at the time of writing).


11. The plugin fails to scan in Reaper. Any help?

In Reaper the plugin initially sometimes fails to scan. If so simply skip it, and once Reaper is up and running goto top menu: Options -> Preferences -> Plug-ins -> VST and here click on "Re-scan" and here choose "Plug-ins that failed to scan" and then click on the listed item. Then OP-X PRO-3 should be scanned without any problem.


12. Why do the same patch names occur several times in SEARCH?

This is caused by the fact that the synth fornerly worked with banks and the same patches could appear in several banks dependent on the contextual categorizing. If you activate the RFR button in the synth's top bar the preset name field shows the preset's original folder (formerly bank) instead of the preset name. The whole presets library includes 5'333 preset files but about 3'000 unique presets.


13. Search and listing favourites initially is slow. Can this be fastened up?

The search function (favourites too uses the search function) initially has to scan all 5'333 preset files to have an up-to-date representation image in the RAM. From then on it will be a lot faster. Upuon changing folders and categories the engine applies a deliberate small delay in order to be able to quickly fade out and in again audio (and place the change processing in the gap) to prevent ugly audible artefacts. After marking a favourite or saving a preset it will be slow again initially since it must scan anew, but then it again will turn faster.


14. After choosing a preset in the search results I can't enter a search term again. Any help?

This is conceived to be like that since after choosing a preset the name field serves for entering a save and display name for the preset. If you want to activate search again then simply switch categories on the right back and forth - so if you're in ALL e.g. to ARPEGGIOS and then BACK to ALL. Then the search field again turns active. You by the way also can search in FAVOURITES after initial folder choosing and switching categories even 'though there's no invitation text for it in the name field.


15. I want to migrate to a new computer and keep all my patches and favourites. How to do this?

For this copy the entire "Presetbase" folder to an USB stick or similar. The "Presetbase" folder can be found here on your system:

Windows: MyComputer-> C:\Users\Public\Documents\SonicProjects\OP-X PRO-3\Presetbase
Mac: Go->Computer->Macintosh HD-> /Users/Shared/SonicProjects/OP-X PRO-3/Presetbase

It's only about 20mb file size, but since it's more than 5'000 files (5'333 initially in 103 folders) this can take a while dependent on the write transfer speed of the USB device. In macOS you also could compress the folder and put this file, but in Windows this isn't recommended since using Window's own zip engine file dates won't be retained which could mess up things. So in Windows use copy and not zipping.

Then after installing and licensing the synth on the new computer delete the "Presetbase" folder in the same location and copy the "Presetbase" folder from the stick there. Done!

P.S: The installer initially places the presets library in a folder called "Presetbase_BACKUPINI". Once you launch the plugin the plugin will rename this folder to "Presetbase" if there's none yet. This is to prevent overwriting a modified library which would result in a mess. So if there's alsready a "Presetbase" folder like the one you ported the installer won't touch this folder even after re-installing and simply place the "Presetbase_BACKUPINI" folder (it removes a previous one being there first) which then can serve as a backup of the original library state in case you messed up something or deleted something by mistake.


16. Missing favourites and empty sections in the search results. Any help?

This can happen when search somehow was interrupted or messed up. In this case the search results in the RAM must be collected anew, which is both initiated by setting a favourite or saving a preset (and also by unloading and loading the plugin anew, which you however don't want to do of course).

So go to any standard bank emulating folder (no category menu on the right), choose any patch that's not marked as favourite, and then click on the FAVO button in the synth's top-bar (which marks it as favourite) and then again on FAVO to un-favour it again.

This will make search re-scan the library the next time you choose the 3_FAVOURITES or 3_SEARCH folder (takes a bit longer then until the presets are listed since re-collecting needs some time). Then it should be accurate again.


17. After fast scrolling in SEARCH the plugin window freezes and I can't even close it anymore. Any help?

This can happen upon fast scrolling in low-cpu windows computers or if you're playing while scrolling.

To end the frozen state without quitting the sequencer first on minimize the sequenzer window, then bring it up again. Now you again can close the window of OP-X PRO-3. After closing open it again, and if you see artefacts still change the bank in the left pane of the preset manager. Then things should be fine again.


18. A factory preset has a wrong category pre-tagged. How can I change its category?

While manually pre-tagging all 5'333 included preset files (in 103 folders) we probably then and when mis-tagged preset files, like for example the "Matrix 6 - Closed Brass" which ist set to "Bass" instead of "Brass".

To change the category of an already actegorized preset (which therefore doesn't appear anymore in the SET-list) simply first on select the preset for playing (wherever you are), and then from there directly go to the 3_SEARCH folder (wait until the search list is loaded) and then directly select SET in the menu on the right (so without selecting a new preset first). If you're in 3_FAVOURITES you can do this directly within this folder since this one too offers a global SET function in the menu on the right.

So as said directly click on SET. Ignore the SET list coming up (so don't select any preset here - yours won't be in here anyway since its set already - the SET list only lits presets which have no category set yet) and directly choose a new category for the preset you originally chose for re-categorizing (which still is loaded for playing) and then click on SAVE in the menu on the right. Then the preset will have the new category.

You can test if it now has the correct category the easiest by marking it as favourite (if you haven't yet) and then in 3_FAVOURITES on the right set the category it should be in - and it should appear in the list here now.

The category setter generally always sets the category of the currently chosen preset (so the one which is currently loaded for playing), no matter of listed presets.


19. Windows 11: Windows Defender blocks the installer as potential malware. Any help?

This is a false positive and should't be there anymore in a fully updated Windows. Prior to release all installers were sent to Microsoft for analysis and they updated Windows Defender.

To update Windows Defender to the newest definitions do this:

1. Open command prompt as administrator: Search for "command prompt", right-click it and choose "Run as administrator"
2. Type: "cd c:\Program Files\Windows Defender" (copy paste what's in between " ") and hit enter
2. Type "MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures" (copy paste what's in between " ") and hit enter
3. Type "MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate" (copy paste what's in between " ") and hit enter
4. Wait until you see "Signature update finished" - this can take several minutes
5. Close the command prompt


The installers then will launch even without the obligate blue Defenter warning


20. Windows Installer: The 2015-2022 Redistributable Installer shows "Setup Issue". Any help?

This happens when a newer version of the 2015-2022 Redistributable already is installed which of course is completely fine. Simply close the Redist Installer, and the synth installer then will say that Windows found an already installed Redistributable and everything is fine. Click on "OK" here and you're done.


21. Reaper: Can't confirm a search term or preset name entry by hitting enter. Any help?

If the entered text in the name field (search term or new preset name for saving) remains white / in edit mode (black test on hite) after hitting the computer keyboard's enter/return key then simply click somewhere outside. Then the entry will turn white text on black and is confirmed.


22. OP-X PRO-3 suddenly crashes while playing oR tweaking knobs. Any help?

Based on our experience this can happen upon massive CPU overload, so if there's no enough CPU headroom left. Which most likely may happen in computers with an older underpowered CPU or in very crowded sessions using plugins that have a high idle CPU load (the idle load of OP-X PRO-3 itself is very low). The max CPU version of OP-X PRO-3 needs a powerful CPU to run flawlessly, the best with a high single thread/core power (so the higher the Mhz the better). In Macs the most recommended CPUs are the new M1 and M2 ones. If your computer is too weak to run the max CPU version flawlessly then install one of the lower-CPU versions, so OP-X PRO-3 ECO or LC. To still have the max CPU option available in parallel if the suituation allows it then you can install OP-MTX in parallel.


23. Does OP-X PRO-3 work in macOS Sonoma 14.1? Has it been tested?

We tested OP-X PRO-3 version 1.0.3 in macOS Sonoma 14.1 both in Intel and M1/M2 silicon Macs in Logic Pro 10.7.9 and MainStage 3.6.4 and it validates and works well.


24. Flickering darking down GUI upon playing notes. Any help?

This is someting that can happen in some low powered notebooks dependent on the used graphics card. It will stop when you place the synth (so the GUI / interface) into the top left corner of the screen.

Another possible measure to fix this behaviour reported by a customer is to deactivate MPO multiplane overlay if you have an Nvidia graphics card. Mvcleaninstal lets you install only the components you want and here uncheck MPO.


25. Cakewalk by BandLab: Presets missing and no reaction. Any help?

In Cakewalk by BandLab this happens when you load the synth without being tied to any tracks which obviously leaves ther synth not activated (so DSP-side nor running). So load the synth with a track (MIDI / Audio), then it will get activated and runs.


26. Studio One: Not working properly, audio cuts off after preset change . Any help?

If you have this behaviour then update the plugin-list in Studio One (re-scan) and afterwards restart your computer. Then the synth should work properly.


27. MacOS Sonoma: Question marks instead of text. Any help?

This seems to be a rare specific problem of macOS Sonoma. To fix it open the "Font Book" App (Launchpad -> Other - Font Book) and here set back the fonts collection and the restart the computer. Then the text should show again. This issue arises if there's an issue with "Arial" font which the synth uses for text. If it's not available it searches for alternative sans-serif fonts, but if these too have an issue this won't help of course.

Reset fonts: Launchpad -> Other - Font Book, then here in the top menu: FontBook -> Settings -> Advanced -> Reset Fonts, then restart the computer


28. Propellerhead Reason: Hanging notes, notes not releasing. Any help?

This is a known early VST3-implementation bug in Reason itself affecting VST3 plugins using the newest SDK. Propellerhead is aware of it and is working on a fix. So keep checking updates.

A temporary working workaround proposed on forums was to open OP-X PRO-3 in Blue Cat Patchwork or Komplete Kontrol if you have one of these.

UPDATE: Based on first reports the issue seems to be fixed in Reason 13


29. Blue Cat Patchwork: issues within Protools in Windows. Any help?

This is related to using Blue Cat Patchwork as Meta-Plugin for OP-X PRO-3. It was reported that it works if you only insert OP-X PRO-3 in slot 1 of Patchwork.


30. Mac: VST3 plugin showing GUI error or crashing after installation of new skin. Any help?

This happens if you install a non-matching skin-package. If you have installed the LC version you must install the LC skin, if you have installed the ECO version you must install the ECO skin, and if you have installed the max cpu version (so simply "OP-X PRO-3") then install the "OP-X PRO-3" skin. If you have done it wrongly simply repeat installation with the correct and matching installer. Then everything will be fine again.


31. Windows: After installation it says: "This program might not have installed correctly". Any help?

This means nothing and is an odd windows blurb. Simply ignore this ans click on "This program installed correctly".


32. The 24dB button doesn't recall its state correctly upon patch change. Any help?

This was reported by a customer using a Steinberg UR44 audio interface and it could be fixed by deactivating the "super stable" fuction which adds some extra latency. At pure 256 samples then all worked fine. So generally if you have similar issues make sure you use a buffer size that's 2 power x, so 128, 256 or 512 samples (1024 only if really necessary, in most cases no relevant additional CPU saving but too high latency for playing) and nothing in between.


33. The synth shows no presets and doesn't work. Any help?

This can be caused by an inappropriate buffer size. Make sure the used buffer size is 2 power x, so 128, 256 or 512 samples. 1024 produces to much delay for playing and normally doesn't offer a lot of additional benefit on CPU use. Make sure you have one of these numbers and not a free value in between. And no eventual safety buffers added. You also might try a different sample rate initially.

Generally, if no presets show up in the right pane after switching banks this normally means the DSP (audio side) of the synth isn't working properly.

Always load the synth together with an instrument track since some hosts only activate the plugin when it's loaded together with a track.


34. Does SonicProjects offer EDU (educational) pricing?

No - SonicProjects doesn't offer EDU (educational) pricing. We have no extra sponsoring or means to do this and pay loads of taxes (up to 27%) in your country on every purchase. So please ask your own authorities for educational funding. We'd also have no way of verifying the authenticity of documents issued in other countries.


35. Does OP-X PRO-3 offer a stand-alone version or does it need a host to run?

OP-X PRO-3 doesn't offer a stand-alone version and so needs a host or sequencer to run that supports AU or VST3 plugins, like e.g. Reaper, Ableton Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Logic Pro, MainStage to name a few popular ones.

If you don't have a host or even are completely new to the wolrd of virtual instruments this dedicated site lists a few free or cheap hosts for simple playing or easy setups:

Free AU and VST3 hosts


36. Does OP-X PRO-3 run in Avid Protools?

OP-X PRO-3 doesn't come in AAX format (only AU and VST3) and so can't be directly used in Protools. But you can use a Meta-Plugin like Blue Cat Patchwork to use it in Protools. A Meta-Plugin comes itself in several formats including AAX and can load other plugin formats (including AU and VST3) inside itself.


37. Does OP-X PRO-3 replace OP-X PRO-II when I install it?

No. OP-X PRO-3 doesn't touch an installed OP-X PRO-II in any way. It installs in parallel and has a different name and plugin-id. Libraries and everythng else is completely separate. So both can be installed and used alongside in parallel.

So you also can check out the demo version of OP-X PRO-3 in parallel to OP-X PRO-II. It won't touch your existing sessions using OP-X PRO-II in any way.


38. How close can OP-X PRO-3 come to an Oberheim OB-X? Are there any comparisons?

OP-X PRO-3 is not only designed to clone the sounds of one specific synth. It also can clone typical sounds of Jupiter-8, Prophet-5, Matrix-12 and other classic synths of the late 70s and 80s. But it can come very close to an original vintage Oberheim OB-X. Check this very comprehensive A:B comparison video on YouTube:


39. The effects setting go lost when saving a preset within 2_SAVED. Any help?

This happens because the smoother algorithm fades out reverb and delay tails upon saving to avoid audible artefacts. The bug is that the settings restore to a previous state instead of the current. BUT the effects actually were saved correctly. Simply select the newly saved preset and you'll see that the settings are as you saved them. Will be fixed in the next update.


40. When I click the FAV button the plugin crashes. Any help?

This potentially happens if you think that clicking FAV lists the favourites after loading the plugin anew. BUT this is not the case. Clicking the FAV button marks a selected preset as favourite - whch will add a dot in front of the preset name and will list the marked preset in 3_FAVOURITES. So to list the favourites goto 3_FAVOURITES in the left pane.

To remove a marked preset again from the favourites either select it in its original bank and cick the FAV button which will remove the dot and also remove the preset from the favourites list in 3_FAVOURITES, or select the preset in 3_FAVOURITES and either click FAV or DEL, which both wil ask for confirmation if you really want to remove the preset from the favourites. It's all shown here in the tutorial part of the relerase video.


41. Are there any tutorials available for OP-X PRO-3?

The release trailer video has a (non-spoken) tutorail included which is separated into chapters in the timeine. The chapters are:

02:12 Change Interface Size
34:10 Create Presets
39:00 Mark Favourites
40:38 Search Function
41:40 Modulation Matrix
46:34 Unison Note Priority
46:58 Modulation Effects
48:52 Voice Boards
50:17 Multimode Filter
57:55 Wheel Modes
1:01:21 Arpeggiator / MIDI Processor

We may add a spoken tutorial video on a later date. A good source for easy learning too is the OP-X PRO-3 start basics guide pdf which can be found in the "Manuals" folder of the installer package and too is linked on the product site.

This pdf document explains the most relevant stuff on just 20 pages.


42. How can I change the skin color of OP-X PRO-3 to blue or dark?

For this you need to download the suitable re-skining package and install the preferred skin. This video shows how to do it:


43. After installation I can't find an app anywhere. Any help?

OP-X PRO-3 doesn't offer a stand-alone version and so needs a host or sequencer to run that supports AU or VST3 plugins, like e.g. Reaper, Ableton Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Logic Pro, MainStage to name a few popular ones.

If you don't have a host or even are completely new to the wolrd of virtual instruments this dedicated site lists a few free or cheap hosts for simple playing or easy setups:

Free AU and VST3 hosts


44. How can I do a split or layer setup using two different sounds?

OP-X PRO-3 itself isn't multi-timbral (can only do one sound at a time), but you easily can achieve this using a separate instance for each sound and the set the note range in the MIDI settings of the instrument channels accordingly - so e.g. for a split setup a lower note range for one instance/sound and a higher one for the other. This then results in a split setup without the need to program your MIDI keyboard since all is set up and saved in your live-host or sequencer.

This video using the older OP-X PRO-II shows how to do a split setup in Apple Logic Pro to do the Van Halen 1984 split setup with the bass upsweeps in the left6 hand and the strings for the right hand played on the same keyboard. It's similar in other sequencers or live-hosts, and you of course also can do the exact same with OP-X PRO-3:

Van Halen 1984 split setup in Logic Pro


45. Do you plan to provide an iPad version

An iPad version isn't planned for the near future. If you're looking for a similary portable and stable live solution from Apple then you might have a look at the MacBook Air M1 2020 which doesn't cost much more than a big iPad but is much better suited for professional use.


46. The audio cuts off every 25 seconds. Is this a bug?

This is a limitation of the demo version and of course won't be there it the licensed full version.


47. Does OP-X PRO-3 work in macOS Sonoma 14.4 with M2 silicon CPU?

Yes, OP-X PRO-3 works in macOS Sonoma 14.4 and M2 processor.

We successfully tested OP-X PRO-3 in a Mac mini 2023 M2 with macOS Sonoma 14.4 in Logic Pro 10.8.1 and MainStage 3.6.6. We also tested in Sonoma in an older Intel Mac which still supports Sonoma, a Mac mini 2018 3.2 Ghz 6-Core Intel Core i7 with 16GB RAM and Intel UHD Grahics 630 in Logic Pro 10.7.9 and MainStage 3.6.4 which were identified by the App Store as the latest updates available for this system.


48. GigPerformer: Exchanged patches when predictive loading is activated. Any help?

This issue still is being examinated by both sides. When predictive loading is activated in GigPerformer and you freely jump around in the rackspaces (so not following the order) then the selected rackspaces sometimes have the sound of a different rackspace, or the plugin is at default sound.

A workaround-fix is to set the value of "limit to maximum number of rackspaces" to just 1. Then this strange behaviour isn't there anymore.

UPDATE: For licensees there's a special version (1.0.5 Beta) available in your login area which fixes this issue in GigPerformer.


49. Does OP-X PRO-3 work in macOS Sequoia 15.0? Has it been tested?

We tested OP-X PRO-3 version 1.0.3 in macOS Sequoia 15.0 in a Mac Mini 2023 M2 in Logic Pro 11.0.1, MainStage 3.6.6 and Ableton Live 12 (12.0.25) and everything worked well and flawlessly. So the answer is yes.

NOTE: After first installation you need to restart the computer. Logic Pro only detects and validates the plugin after having restarted the system.

Don't hesitate to contact us by email if your question could not be answered here.

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